Why Choose a White Gold Belly Ring?

white gold belly ringsIf you are looking for a belly ring that looks elegant and which really stands out then you should consider a white gold belly ring. White gold belly rings are unique and they can look fantastic. However, there are a numbernull of things that you need to consider before you rush out and purchase one.

What you need to think about

The main thing that you need to know about white gold belly rings is that they can sometimes cause an allergic reaction.  This is because gold jewelry is never purely made from just gold. There are also other base metals used in order to make the jewelry stronger. These base metals give the gold its color and white gold is often created using nickel.

Nickel is the metal which causes problems for many people. It is mainly found in cheaper white gold belly rings so it would be advisable to stick to higher quality white gold whenever possible. The higher quality white gold belly rings are created using the base metal Palladium and that doesn’t tend to cause any problems at all.

If you have only just had your navel pierced then you should avoid white gold belly rings until the piercing has healed. If you place a white gold belly ring into a piercing which has not yet healed then it could cause an infection. This may be avoidable with white gold which contains Palladium but it is better to avoid it anyway just until you have properly healed.

Overall white gold belly rings do come in a large variety of different styles. They are nice to look at and they are not always overly expensive. However, you should beware of cheaper white gold jewelry as it is likely to contain nickel. No matter what style you are looking for, there will always be a white gold belly ring to suit your needs.

See our full range of white gold belly rings.


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