Two visits at the piercer in one day!!!

By Andreea from Romania.
 Hy! My name is Andreea! I’m 18 and after a long time i had finally convinced my mother to let my get my belly button pierced.

I had bought a titanium piercing, went to a clinic, where a doctor does all the piercings. I tought that if a doctor did my piercing all would be ok.

Everything that he used was sterile, he disinfected the piercing and also he used a anesthetic. The anesthetic felt just like a little pinch and when the needle went through i hadn’t felt anyting. All good! But when i got home i noticed that my piercing was too high… the ball that was supposed to be “in” the navel was about half an inch up… I hadn’t noticed this at the clinic because i was too nervous.

I took my phone and i called the doctor and he said “Come here to have a look!”. I went back, i explained what was the problem and he prepared me again for the procedure… He moved the jewerly where i had wanted it in the frist place( he used all new eqipment.

I looked carefuly in the mirror to see if it’s properly plaed. Thank God it was perfect. He hadn’t asked me to pay. Now i have it for 2 weeks and it’s perfectly fine. Even though i had been pierced twice it hadn’t got swollen, and just a little bit red. Also the doctor told me only to clean it with watter and apply a tiny amount of Bethdine for the first days.

He said that this all the care that the piercing needs. No sea salt watter soaks, no ointments no nothing. Now it’s a little red and the skin arround its fine, doing a little crust, which it’s normal, because the skin creats new layers of skin. I hope that my story helps, and be careful and tell those who pierce you exactly where you want to be pierced. Ps: i love my belly piercing!!! Good luck to all of you.

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