Do you have navel piercing? Great! You can submit your navel piercing story to this website and get FREE body jewelery!
All you have to do is write your unique belly button piercing story, take a picture of your belly button and submit them using my NEW website HERE!
To qualify for publication, your belly button piercing story has to meet the following guidelines:
The piercing story must be at least 350 words long;
You can describe things like how you decided to get the navel piercing, how you went to the piercing studio and what was the whole navel piercing procedure like. Also add some interesting moments so that the other Belly Button Rings Guides readers vote for your story!
The person in the picture has to be you and your belly piercing has to be visible.
Please make sure you provide a valid e-mail address so that I can get in touch with you after your navel piercing story has been submitted!
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