How I got my Belly Button Pierced

By Amelia from Haymarket, VA

I was 13 when I got my navel pierced. It took a long time for me to convince my parents but it finally worked! I went to Tan-Tastic in Manassas. The Piercers name is Sharon. She was so nice. She made me take a test to get it pierced. I PASSED!! I signed the papers and my mom paid up front 70$ plus 10$ tip.

I and my parents made a deal that i had to stay on honor roll for me to get my belly pierced so i did just that! Sharon had me pick out a pretty ring. I picked the sparkly pink one. She took me back to the room. I began shaking. She marked a blue dot on my belly then had me lay down. She cleaned me off and put the clamps on.

I was so so nervous and my mind was racing back and forth. She said breathe in and out and then it was done!!!! I had a gorgeous ring in my belly. It hurt so extremely bad. But in the end it was very much worth it. I went home with a lot of pain. I was nauseous. I cleaned it that day, that night, the next morning, that afternoon, that night and so on for three months. Ihad mini infections on and off for a while.

It would puss now and then and that was disgusting but I knew it was healing. My sister gave me her old belly rings since she didn’t use hers anymore. She gave me one with stars, one with grapes on it, one with hearts, one that said love, one that said awesome, and she even bought me a pack of four! . Two weeks after my piercing, the worst happened. It fell out! So in a panic I cleaned a new one and put it in while I looked for the other one. I found it, but guess where, in my bath tub where I had taken a bath hour before. I was so surprised that it stayed open.

But at the same time I was very grateful that it didn’t close up. After 4 months I decided to change it, now it’s perfectly healed and I love it!! That’s my story on how I got my belly pierced. Now I have gotten the industrial bar and now I’m getting my nose in a week!

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