Bioplast Belly Rings | Steel Belly Rings | Titanium Belly Rings | Dangling Belly Rings
Orbital Belly Rings | Pregnancy Belly Rings | Spiral Belly Rings | Flashing Belly Rings
3-D Belly Rings | Hoop Gold Belly Rings
1. You don’t have to know the proper size for navel jewelry – 99% of belly piercings will be perfect for anyone – 3/8″ length.
2. If the girl doesn’t have a belly piercing – she can use the belly ring in her ear piercing which she most likely has. Sounds odd but many do it! Many body jewelry stores sell belly rings under other categories – ear piercings and eyebrow piercings. A big belly ring will look a bit odd in the eyebrow, to be honest, but in the ear – no problemo!
3. Belly button rings come in so many different designs, materials and shapes that they can be considered small pieces of art. You present one, them comes the second, the third and then she can start to collect them and in a year’s time have hundreds!
4. Even when the girl becomes pregnant and her belly has stretched and the belly piercing along with it – no bother! You can present her a nice pregnancy belly ring and no harm will be done and the new mother will be delighted!
5. If the girl has been thinking about getting a belly piercing for some time – a belly piercing suitable for the first time piercing along with a gift card from the local piercing parlor is a great gift idea!
6. Belly button rings are perfect as a personalized gift idea – every day of the week she can change a new piece of navel jewelry and choose from countless styles – college names, symbols, animals, words, gemstone dangles and much much more!
Join others who have submitted their belly button piercing stories and tell about where and how you got pierced, how you treated your new piercing and where you shop for the belly button rings.
Each story is unique and I know – yours will have something really interesting for other readers of this guide!
Read and submit the navel piercing stories here – (click on the pic) >>>
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From Gift Idea to Home | Steel Belly Rings
Titanium Belly Rings | Dangling Belly Rings | Orbital Belly Rings
Pregnancy Belly Rings | Spiral Belly Rings | Flashing Belly Rings
3-D Belly Rings | Hoop Gold Belly Rings
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