This belly button piercing story was submitted by Layna
My belly piercing experience was amazing! I decided to get my belly pierced because it’s a piercing that I’ve always wanted done.
I did need my parents’ permission though, and at the time I was 15, now I’m 16. I got it pierced August 3rd and once my parents signed, it became official.
I went to my hair salon that does hair, tanning, and piercings, and nails. My piercer was one of my dad’s high school friends and she is also my hair cutter. 😉 She was more than pleased to pierce my belly button.
She was so nice and reassuring about it all and it calmed my nerves. The process of my piercing was I laid back in a chair and my piercer tried the clamps, both were too big so she just did it by hand. When she did my navel, it didn’t hurt, just a slight punch. 🙂
I had my best friend there with me and I made her hold my hand thinking it would hurt, but it didn’t even squeeze. The piercer told me how to clean it. But she also had me buy a cleaning set of shower gel, and two sprays.
I’m still healing to this day but it usually takes 9 months to fully heal. I am in love with my belly piercing and I swear, I’m addicted to belly rings. I have 28 now! 😀
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Thanks Layna for submitting this piercing story, and give her thumbs up by liking it on Facebook and other social media accounts by using the toolbar below!
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